Tag Archives: Nibbleblog

Install Nibbleblog on Raspbian, Raspberry Pi

Nibbleblog is a powerful engine for creating blogs, all you need is PHP to work. Very simple to install and configure (only 1 step).

First, install:

sudo apt-get install php5-gd

Restart Apache and PHP-FPM to reload new configuration:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo /etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart

Download latest archive (here):

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/nibbleblog/files/v4.0/nibbleblog-v4.0.3.zip

Create folder for your blog (*example):

sudo mkdir /var/www/blog

Extract the archive:

unzip nibbleblog-v4.0.3.zip -d /var/www/blog

Note: You can download this archive on your computer and upload files via sftp://<raspberry-pi-ip-address> if you prefer.

Set permissions on your folder:

sudo chown johndoe:www-data -R /var/www/blog
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/blog/content


sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/blog
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/blog/content

Point your browser to location where files are extracted, for example:




and complete the form.
